Merl 1928 ...
... is a registered tradename of Merl Solar Technologies GmbH, an Austrian company established in 1928. Synonymous to engineering excellence and with a track record of over 90 years, Merl 1928 provides electromechanical engineering solutions, i.e. analysis, design, manufacturing and maintenance of equipment and products based on the combination of electrical/bioelectrical/electronic circuits and mechanical systems.
The Company also focuses in the area of alternative and renewable system design and commissioning such as, photovoltaic energy, biomass-to-energy and waste-to-energy.
Last but not least, Merl 1928 possesses real expertise in most aspects of water engineering, i.e., water engineering and water resources management, water supply and mitigation, waste water and water sensitive urban design, mine water management.
With numerous successfully completed projects in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, Merl 1928 employs a team of 60 plus qualified engineers and technicians.
About us
Merl Group has an excellent track record in planning and implementing of renewable energy projects – specifically photovoltaic solutions in rural off-grid areas in Sub Sahara Africa.
During the last 10 years approx. 40 rural villages in Senegal and Tanzania have been electrified by Merl as general contractor with photovoltaic mini-grids. In 2016/2017 the Group build a 20 MW photovoltaic park in Kahone, Senegal...
Renewable Energy
Free Energy
The climate discussion being carried out all over the world affects everyone and has prompted many to initiate new developments. Renewable energy carriers play an important role in sustainable, worldwide energy systems in order to reduce the dependence on fossil fuel providers and simultaneously diminish their effects...
- 20 MW Photovoltaic Park in Kahone, Senegal
- Photovoltaic system for agricultural irrigation in Egypt
- PV rooftop systems in Ghana
- Rural elecrification with PV mini-grids
- etc.